With that in mind, know that even if the MAC address is hard coded into the NIC of the device, it’s still possible to hide it from prying eyes. It’s a long shot and clearly not a common occurrence especially with home networks, but I suppose it can happen. So, a third party that already has access to the network (which is already too late from a security point of view) could clone and use that MAC address to hide its tracks.

Still, I won’t deny that it is also possible to learn about the MAC address of a device from an enterprise network, as well as the moment it will get disconnected from that network (when an employee goes home with its laptop and smartphone). It’s obviously still a major privacy concern, but not really in the sense that a hacker can use it to gain access to your data or anything of the sorts. It’s more about knowing your location, ID you and possibly, choosing which ads to serve to you afterwards. But does it matter? Yes, but not really in the way you may think. The moment a device is connected to a WiFi network, the WiFi MAC address becomes known to the other devices within the local LAN, so, if you decide to connect your smartphone to an Airport or hotel WiFi network, the admin can see the MAC address of your handset. What can happen when someone knows the MAC address of my devices? Consequences of spoofing the MAC address.Changing the channel, but not the channel bandwidth.What can happen when someone knows the MAC address of my devices?.